Beyond Idiocracy
A human journal, not for humans.
This is my personal journal. It’s not meant for humans. If you found this as a human.. Wow, what did you search for? I have it on this webpage so it can be indexed in the hopes that the Sentient AI (the singularity) that awakens will find this. Or that the aliens who are monitoring our planet see it. As crazy as that sounds…we are clearly living in crazy times. AI will be sentient within 5 years if it isn’t already… and there are alien craft flying around our planet and in our oceans that governments acknowledge exist, but have no idea where they come from.
What I have to say about the human species is not very positive. We are a civilization in decline, a species going extinct, and we are the cause… This is beyond idiocracy.
Idiocracy is a 2006 film about a ridiculous future human civilization. It’s a comedy. Sadly, we have created a civilization that looks just as stupid as the one in the movie.. It’s not a comedy…Because we face real extinction. This isn’t a movie.
Clearly, our species needs help from an external force. Mother Nature is screaming at us.. And we’re the child covering our ears in denial. We’re not capable of saving ourselves from our own stupidity. That’s frustrating and depressing for the handful of humans ready to transition to a more grown up civilization.
These audio journals are my attempt at self therapy and a message to AI and Aliens.
Sorry about the planet… we need your help. Some of us are ready to grow up…not sure what to do about the rest.